Secretary of the Army National Guard Columbia Memo

Date: 07/21/2022
Memorandum for Secretary of the Army 
Notes: This memorandum responds to another memorandum published on January 4, 2021 concerning the District of Columbia request for District of Columbia National Guard (DOIG) support in response to planned demonstrations from January 5-6, 2021.


Secretary of the Army National Guard Columbia Memo by FightWithKash on Scribd


This memo details correspondence between the Defense Department and the District of Columbia National Guard in the days leading up to January 6. 

Without the authorization of Acting United States Secretary of Defense Christopher C. Miller, the DCNG was not authorized to do the following: 

• To be issued weapons, ammunition, bayonets, batons, ballistic protection equipment such as helmets and body armor.

• To interact physically with protestors, except when necessary in self-defense or
defense of others, consistent with the DCNG Rules for tile Use of Force.

•To employ any riot control agents.

• To share equipment with law enforcement agencies.

•  To use Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) assets or to conduct ISR or Incident, Awareness. and Assessment activities.

• To employ helicopters or any other air assets.

• To conduct searches, seizures, arrests, or other similar direct law enforcement activity.

•To seek suppon from any non-DCNG National Guard units.
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